Online Test & Tag Course

Our Online Test & Tag Course will teach you how to properly test and tag according to Australian Standards AS/NZS 3760. Our training is the only Nationally Recognised Test & Tag Course in Australia that is solely taught online via a face-to-face virtual classroom.

It uses our state-of-the-art and interactive online training module and is conducted by one of our experienced test and tag trainers. See how our online course process is structured from start to finish.

There are two types of online courses to choose from for testing and tagging. Upon succesful completion of either option, you will be deemed competent to Test and Tag in Australia, whilst also receiving lifetime technical support from our team.


Nationally Recognised

This is the highest qualification available in Australia and has been designed to give you all the skills and competency required to begin testing and tagging. This course has been completed by individuals, large corporations and hundreds of small-medium sized businesses.

By completing the Nationally Recognised Course you will receive a statement of attainment for UEESS00174 - Electrical Safety Testing of Electrical Cord Connected Equipment and Cord Assemblies Skill Set.

This Skill Set contains the following Units of Competency which you will complete as part of this course:

UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

UEERL0003 - Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies

Costs $495.00 GST Exempt
Duration 6-7 hours to complete (includes OHS component)
Learning Style Online Learning Module & Virtual Classroom (via Zoom)
Qualifications Received Statements of Attainment & ID card with Certificate no.
Qualification Level Highest level (ASQA approved)
Electrical knowledge No previous electrical knowledge or background is required
Virtual Classroom Times Run multiple times throughout the week

Short Course (Non-Accredited)

The Short Course meets the minimum requirements set by AS/NZS 3760 and still allows you to freely test and tag as you wish. Although it also involves learning the same information, it has some minor differences:

  • No OHS component
  • Price: $329.00 + GST
  • Issued with Certificate of Attendance

Still unsure of the difference? We can help you choose the right course.

Course Detail

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Satisfaction Guarantee: if you are not completely satisfied with our online course at any time, we'll switch you to our face-to-face version free of charge.

Our online course is a fully immersive and interactive experience. The training is accessed through our easy to use online learning platform, and it contains exactly the same information and resources as our face-to-face course. 

The theory and OHS aspect of training includes interactive videos, information and assessments, while the practical component will be performed via a live video stream with our trainer in our virtual classroom (accessed by Zoom).

Please note that the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760:2022 changed in 2022 and our training course is now teaching the updated Standard.

How it Works

The Process

There's two parts of this online course that need to be completed. Initially, you will be sent login details from us which will give you access to the online learning platform. From there, you will complete all the theory learning and assessments. This is made up of multiple-choice questions, and interactive quizzes.

Then for the practical assessment component, you will be guided by our expert trainer via video link. They will instruct you on how to operate the PAT tester, and ask you to perform a variety of tests and record results. If you are successful in passing both components, you will deemed a ‘Competent Person’ and we will issue you a certificate and identification number to allow you start testing and tagging.

Virtual Classroom - Hands on learning

Online Learning Module

Why Use Us?

  • We have conducted training for over 35,000 satisfied students
  • Our Nationally Recognised Course is of the highest industry standard
  • Our Short Course meets the requrements of being a 'Competent Person'
  • We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO: 40604)
  • Real time online classroom learning with trainers are industry professionals and fully qualified
  • Interactive and immersive online learning platform
  • Test items specific to you or your job, from the comfort of your home or workplace
  • 30 day access to platform and learning materials 
  • Upskill yourself anytime that suits you
  • Lifetime access to support from our test and tag experts after your course

Portable Appliance Testers (PAT Testers)

It is essential that students have access to their own Portable Appliance Tester to use for the online course.

But don’t worry if you haven’t got your own PAT Tester yet – the team at Appliance Testing Supplies are ready to take you through all the brands and models available on the Australian market, and help you choose a machine that suits your needs.