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Once you've tested an item and you're ready to place the correct test tag on, certain information must be written on the tag as a minimum according to Australian standards AS/NZS 3760.
Although all the boxes on the tag don't need to be filled out, some will aid with data logging and are highly recommended.
Let's start by explaining what information is and isn't necessary and what each box means.
1) 'Tested to AS/NZS 3760' - This reference to the Australian standard is usually printed on the test tag itself. Although this is compulsary, ensure you check any tags that are either more than two years old, or were imported from overseas.
2) Tested By - This can either be the person conducting the test and/or the company. If you're getting Custom Tags made up, this can essentially be the logo of the company (or your name printed).
3) Test Date - The date of the test.
4) Next Test Due - When the next test is due according to the environment (or validity period). Ensure you're aware of the test and tag intervals.
5) Certificate/Licence No. - This particular number refers to your individual test and tag certificate/licence number.
6) Plant Item No. - This number is the one that stay for the life of the appliance and basically references to the items entire test history. By using this field properly, you can easily refer to your logbook or other reports and check the items previous test history.
7) Tag Number - Test and Tag professionals use tag numbers to help with their own records and to log history. Tag numbers are usually pre-printed, but can be hand written as well.
Other labels such as New to Service tags will require different information, while it's important you understand what test and tag colours are required.
For a full range of test and tag labels to purchase, see our Appliance Testing Supplies website.